When pizza comes to mind, the first thing that comes to me is New York. Even with the Philly Pizza scene BOOMING right now, I always go back to the roots of this page and think New York Pizza. What exactly do I think about it? Overrated. That’s right, the majority of it pops in my head immediately as overrated. That is until I started to explore the right spots. My whole opinion on New York slices and NY pizza in general changed with four words: “Paulie Gee’s Slice Shop”.

Now listen, I've been all over the boroughs of NYC to what was supposed to be the best pizza places ever, and in my eyes a lot fall short. However, the moment I stepped foot into the “Slice Shop”, things changed. Walking up to the shop, you see "Paulie Gee" in blue letters around the lemon, you see that old school Coca Cola sign, and you see that “Mike’s Hot Honey” sign lighting up the window. You walk in and immediately know this place means business. You are greeted with seats to your left and right, and the whole pizza counter is at eye level displaying (what I didn't know yet) what would be some of my favorite pizza to date. You walk up to the counter, place your order, and wait for them to call your name out on the intercom. Yes, this is freaking legit. As you wait, you take a walk to the back of the shop which has additional seating, old vintage antiques, and a bar as well (wine, beer, and ciders). By the time those moments happen, the place will have you wrapped around its finger. It’s nostalgic, its "old school" (without being old), and its one of a kind. The vibe and overall energy inside is supposed to be exactly set up to portray the same kind of pizza joints Paulie went to growing up. It does just that. When you sit in one of those booths, you are taken back to a time you may not be familiar with, but you know it's that old NYC feeling. One bite, wow that's good. Two bites, yo I get down with this. Three bites, that "Ezzo Pepperoni" and "Mikes Hot Honey" is out of this world. It’s over, and in that moment you realize that with all those factors combined, “Paulie Gee’s Slice Shop” is one of the best pizza shops in all of the boroughs. As I say for a lot of these posts, plan accordingly. This place gets JAMMED packed, so plan properly around peak hours.
A little update: Since time has passed, Paulie and I have become, what you can say as "friends". We have collabed in Brooklyn, and we have collabed in Philly. Pretty cool if you ask me, being that I don't know a damn thing about making pizza. My reason for stating this fact, was to let you know that this is a great man on a mission to do what he truly loves, and I back his dreams 100%. I will post up an outstanding video, so ya'll can get more of an inside look at the man behind the name:
Monday - Thursday: 12 PM - 11 PM
Friday: 12 PM - 1 AM
Saturday: 12 PM - 1 AM
Sunday: 12pm - 11 PM
110 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222